S.A.T Apetit Fruits 1250

  • Nave exterior en Apetit Fruits.
  • Greefa GeoSort calibrando manzanas en Apetit Fruits.
  • Greefa GeoSort en Apetit Fruits.
  • Mesas de confección en Apetit Fruits.
  • Confección manual en Apetit Fruits.
  • Greefa GeoSort en Apetit Fruits.
  • Fruta clasificada y empaquetada en Apetit Fruits.
  • GeoSort calibrando manzanas en Apetit Fruits.
Apetit Fruits, Apples, Electronic ball, GeoSort, Greefa, Rubinat
About This Project

They have a 4-line GeoSort machine with weight, size and color.

We emphasize that it is an installation that performs a very good deal of fruit. With GeoSort, we obtain very low values with the electronic ball, the lowest in the market. This is used to measure the impact on fruit. This is highly valued in the classification of varieties such as Golden.

